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Safety Information

OPERA America’s National Opera Center is your home for performances, rehearsals, auditions, and more. Your health and safety are a top priority for us.

We continue to follow the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), New York State, and New York City.

At this time, mask usage by visitors is recommended but not required. Proof of vaccination against COVID-19 is not required for entry. 

The National Opera Center is cleaned nightly by a custodial team trained in COVID-19 protocols. The facility's air system has been optimized with a high-efficiency filtration system and outfitted with I-Wave BI-Polar Ionizer air cleaners that actively treat and kill pathogens.

For more information, contact us at 212.796.8630 or Reservations@operaamerica.org

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Submit a booking inquiry and consult the rental overview for full technical details.