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Video Published: 14 Jun 2019

2019 Robert L.B. Tobin Director-Designer Showcase: The Little Prince

This team reimagines The Little Prince as a modern migration story. As a group of migrants waits at the U.S. border, a father calms the children by recasting their dangerous journey as the intergalactic travels of the Little Prince, transforming their interactions with smugglers, officers and aid workers into encounters with strange grownups and resplendent beasts in a world without borders.

See a production presentation from one of the most promising young director-designer teams in the United States. The Robert L.B. Tobin Director-Designer Showcase is a biennial competition that identifies emerging director-designer teams, each of which has developed a production proposal from a diverse list of operas. Made possible by a generous grant from the Tobin Theatre Arts Fund.

Noam Shapiro, director
Santiago Orjuela-Lavede, scenic design
Tamrin Goldberg, choreography
Haydee Zelideth, costume design
Reza Behjat, lighting design
Yana Birÿkova, projection design