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Across the Board

The articles featured here appear in the Spring/Summer 2021 issue of Across the Board, a publication of OPERA America for opera company trustees.

From OPERA America's President and CEO:

Since I began with OPERA America in 1990, I’ve hoped we could enroll 10% of all opera trustees as individual members to engage them in the broader discussion about opera in America. I estimated that would translate to 500 people.

By our last count, 650 trustees are now active members! I’ve enjoyed engaging with those of you in our Essentials of Opera Governance series and through the National Trustee Forum. It’s been inspiring to watch you step forward to help your companies through the past year.

This issue of Across the Board offers a case study in engaged governance: how Cincinnati Opera overcame its canceled 100th season and is returning for outdoor performances in 2021.

It’s the type of success story we’ll highlight in our upcoming Opera Conference, held virtually in May. I hope you’ll register for the conference so you can help your company keep pace as we work toward a new normal for the industry.

- Marc A. Scorca

In This Issue

Marc A. Scorca talks to trustee Liz Grubow on how the Cincinnati Opera board contributed to the company's resilience.
The advantages and disadvantages of having a required minimum contribution for board members.
A excerpt of survey highlights on board size, structures, policies, and giving.
Download the Entire Issue

The Spring/Summer 2021 issue of Across the Board is available as a downloadable PDF.
