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Across the Board - Spring/Summer 2024

The articles featured here appear in the Spring/Summer 2024 issue of Across the Board, a publication of OPERA America for opera company trustees.

From OPERA America's President and CEO:

The opera field is regaining strength gradually. Artistry is flourishing, sales are increasing, and there is new effort (and pressure) to find innovative solutions to how we conduct business.

This will be the focus of our Opera Conference in Los Angeles this June 5‒8, where we will have practical sessions about designing retention strategies for first-timers, developing a new generation of donors, exploring ways opera companies can partner over multiple seasons, and finding ways to make opera boards as effective as possible.

As a special prelude to the conference, the second-ever World Opera Forum from June 3‒5 will take a global view of our industry. Nearly 60 representatives from six continents will discuss key issues affecting opera worldwide. Together we will reframe our case for opera in the 21st century.

I hope you, as trustees and leaders at your companies, will join us for this monumental week. You’ll return home with new ideas, new friends, and new appreciation for the incredible performances of LA’s vibrant opera community.

- Marc A. Scorca

In This Issue

Marc A. Scorca acknowledges the challenges yet remains optimistic about the year ahead for companies and artists.
Takeaways from a recent survey into ticket sales trends at opera companies.
How board members can get involved at each step of the fundraising process.
American soprano Diana Soviero reflects on her childhood dream of becoming an opera singer.
Download the Entire Issue

The Spring/Summer 2024 issue of Across the Board is available as a downloadable PDF.
