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Advocacy Update

Issued June 1, 2024

Fixing Ticketing
S. 3457, the Fans First Act, is a bipartisan Senate bill that would create new policies for ticket sales on both the primary and secondary markets. The House recently passed H.R. 3950, the TICKET Act, by a vote of 388–24. With this successful passage, the Fix the Tix coalition is urging the Senate to take up S. 3457, which has the strongest ticketing protections.

Latest NEA Grant Awards and Opportunities
With the recent announcement of Grants for Arts Projects (GAP) Round Two funding, the National Endowment for the Arts completed its major grantmaking for the current fiscal year. The next opportunity to apply for FY2025 NEA funding is for the second round of Grants for Arts Projects, with a deadline of July 11, 2024. Members should review the NEA’s Grants for Arts Projects guidelines and Challenge America guidelines on its website, which are updated every year.

Artificial Intelligence Policy Roadmap Released in Senate
As the creative sector continues to raise the implications of artificial intelligence (AI), a bipartisan Senate working group released a set of recommendations this week intended to spark federal policy action. The report, Driving U.S. Innovation in Artificial Intelligence, is accompanied by a one-page summary and recommends consideration of transparency requirements for copyrighted data used by AI developers; protections against unauthorized use of names, likenesses, and voices; and, the impact of AI on copyright and intellectual property law. The Human Artistry Campaign is applauding the report for supporting potential efforts to safeguard the work of creative professionals.

New Overtime Rules and Resources
The U.S. Department of Labor (DoL) announced the final rules for new overtime compensation requirements on April 23, 2024. Advocates are promoting a phased-in approach to the implementation of the new requirements.

Adapted from other Performing Arts Alliance members.

Key Advocacy Issues

Prepare to take action by reviewing the key issues with downloadable briefs prepared by the Cultural Action Group.