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Savannah Voice Festival

To create a sought-after festival that is a unique destination for music lovers locally and globally, thus artistically and economically serving the communities of Savannah, Georgia and the performing arts at large. The VOICE Programs (Savannah VOICE Festival and VOICExperience) are committed to welcoming all. To discriminate is to fail in our mission. We strive to keep from making judgments based on someone’s race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or identity, age, education, socioeconomic status, or ability. VOICE serves artists and patrons locally and globally, always embracing the ideals of a diverse community. We acknowledge that there is much to be done to raise our voices against hate, injustice, and inequality both in the arts community and in our everyday lives. We are committed to doing our part to make sure everyone feels welcome and valued. We support all who join us in this mission.
Upcoming Events
Title Date & Time
Mediterranean Voyages March 13, 2025, 6:30 PM
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Lani Winskye Company Manager
Chad Sonka Event Manager
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