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Professional Company Member

New Philharmonic Opera


The MAC is dedicated to giving residents of west suburban Chicago continued access to engagement with the arts—now celebrating the grand re-opening after a $35 million renovation!

At the MAC, a performing arts experience is so much more than just sitting down to watch a show. Since opening our doors in October 1986, the McAninch Arts Center has been focused on enriching our community with world-class entertainment opportunities that go beyond the stage. Along with offering the most diverse range of programming in the area, we pride ourselves on providing unique outreach & engagement programs before or after performances to enlighten and educate our audiences.

These exclusive “MAC Chats” are unlike anything you’ll find anywhere else—intimate experiences that take you inside the world of cultural and performing arts, and allow you to truly immerse yourself in the performance. Through lectures, Q&A sessions, demonstrations or interactive events, only the MAC allows you to connect with an artist and gain introspective into the event’s history, theme, story, or background. And they are just one more thing that sets the MAC a world apart…yet still so close to home.

- See more at: http://www.atthemac.org/about-the-mac/#sthash.OKxPd9sc.dpuf

Upcoming Events
Title Date & Time
The Elixir of Love January 25, 2025, 7:30 PM
The Elixir of Love January 26, 2025, 3:00 PM
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Visit the Technical-Production Directory to explore production rentals.

Name Title
Kirk Muspratt Artistic Director and Conductor
Jon Gantt Director Technical Theatre Operations
Roland Raffel Marketing Director
Janey Sarther Education and Community Engagement Coordinator
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