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Cinballera Entertainment

Cinballera Entertainment is an independent fine arts production company based in Southern California. The name stands for its three areas of focus, Cinema, Ballet, and Opera; it's pronounced "cheen-ball-era" to reflect opera's Italian background. Cinballera performances blend opera and ballet with inspiration from classic movies. All our productions are staged with the goal of artistic integrity and historical accuracy, staying as close to the original intentions of the creators as possible. Following the example of classic films from the Golden Era of Hollywood, Cinballera productions are staged with subtlety, taste, and decency, so viewers of all ages and backgrounds can come. However, they are not geared exclusively to children; we tell mature, exciting stories in a clean, artistic way. Hollywood architect S. Charles Lee said, "The show starts at the sidewalk." With this concept in mind, movie theaters built 100 years ago were worthy of being called movie palaces, so grand was their beauty. We believe that the venue is an important player in a production, so we host our performances at locations with historic significance throughout Southern California. This production company was founded by Tiffany and Rebekah Brannan on June 18, 2023. The sisters have been in the performing arts throughout Southern California their whole lives, studying and performing singing, dancing, and acting since early ages. They were both homeschooled K-12, so they had the freedom to pursue artistic endeavors. After graduating from high school at age 13 each, they spent the traditional high school years honing their crafts, so they were able to turn professional at age eighteen. They specialize in performances which blend opera and ballet, presenting these arts in very classical but innovative ways.
Upcoming Events
Title Date & Time
February Cinballera Salon - Songs of the Phantom February 17, 2025, 7:00 PM
Casablanca: A Chamber Ballopera February 22, 2025, 7:00 PM
Casablanca: A Chamber Ballopera February 23, 2025, 3:00 PM
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Name Title
Tiffany Brannan President and CEO
Rebekah Brannan Vice-President
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