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Racial Justice Opera Network

OPERA America’s Racial Justice Opera Network is an action group of opera professionals from all sectors of the field who are committed to enriching our art form and industry by seeking racial equity.

The Racial Justice Opera Network is a coalition of BIPOC and White antiracist members working to dismantle racism in opera by actively changing policies and practices that perpetuate the oppression of Black people, Indigenous people, and other people of color.

It aims to:

  • Encourage collaboration, resource-sharing, and opportunities to support a more racially equitable field.
  • Affirm the voices of those who identify as Black, Indigenous, Latinx/Hispanic, Asian, Pacific Islander, South Asian, Arab, Middle Eastern, North African, and/or people of color in the opera field through networking and relationship-building.
  • Create spaces for dialogue, learning, collective action, and support for people of color.

The Racial Justice Opera Network was formerly known as the ALAANA Opera Network.

Get Involved

Participation in the Racial Justice Opera Network is open to anyone affiliated with the opera industry and supportive of the Network’s goals. You can get involved by requesting to join the Facebook group.

Join Facebook Group 

The RJON Steering Committee is accepting new members through an open application process. If you are interested in joining the Steering Committee, please read the Steering Committee duties and submit an application.

Learn More

For additional information, contact us at Membership@operaamerica.org or 646.699.5248.

Upcoming Events

The Racial Justice Opera Network convenes at the annual Opera Conference and International Racial Justice Opera Forum. The network promotes dialogue and collaboration throughout the year through conference calls and an active private Facebook group.

OPERA America on Racial Justice

OPERA America believes that opera companies have an obligation to be more reflective of their communities, and that the art form and the industry gain...
OPERA America understands that language has power and that the meanings of words can change and evolve over time.
An equity prime serves as a reminder to be race explicit within our work and to think through the impact various decisions can have on people of...
In response to deplorable racist acts across our nation and the historic failure to respond to them, OPERA America reaffirms its commitment to be an...

OPERA America Programs

IDEA Opera Grants (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access) support composers and librettists who identify as African, Latinx, Asian, Arab, and/or...
IDEA Opera Residencies welcomed NYC composers and librettists of color with grants, residencies, mentorship, and career support.
Supporting BIPOC administrators who are at the threshold of taking their next leadership step by pairing them with more seasoned leaders

Racial Justice Opera Network Steering Committee

Quodesia Johnson
Social Justice Advisor, OPERA America; Consultant; Founder and Space Moderator, Black Administrators of Opera

Theresa Ruth Howard
Artist, Writer, and Consultant

Jessica Jahn
Costume Designer

Anh Le
Director of Marketing and PR, Opera Theatre of Saint Louis

Chevalier Lovett
Senior Vice President and Managing Director, Organize Florida; Board Member, Opera Orlando

Kristian Roberts
Director of Education, The Dallas Opera

Tracy L. Wilson
Director of Community Relations, Cincinnati Opera